$200.00 USD

RYAN MUIRHEAD | INDIE ONLINE WORKSHOP Capturing Authenticity: Exploring Film Photography

Renowned film photographer Ryan Muirhead, in this previously recorded online workshop, guides you through the process of creating truly personal and authentic work.

Through a combination of engaging presentations, discussions, image feedback, and Q&A sessions, he will guide you to a deep understanding of the art and craft of personal photography. 

Throughout the workshop, Ryan shares stories and images from significant moments in his own life and work, offering inspiration and insights into the power of personal expression.

  • 7 days of Recorded Online Workshop Videos hosted by Ryan, on a wide range of topics, including metering techniques for different lighting conditions, the importance of mindful gear selection, and embracing the serendipitous nature of film.  
  •  Interact with Ryan Muirhead and your fellow participants in a dedicated private group. You can share your own images, receive feedback, engage in meaningful discussions, and expand your perspectives on personal photography.